\n “{{ quote }}”\n \n\n
\n Student ID\n {{student.uic}}\n
\n\n First Name\n {{student.firstName}}\n
\n\n Last Name\n {{student.lastName}}\n
\n\n Program\n {{program.programName}}\n
\n\n A response (yes or no)\n is required for parts 1a-1g\n
\n1. Let's start with what you're doing now. Are you going to school? Working?
\n1a. In a training program or attending school or college?
\n1b. Working as an apprentice?
\n1c. Working?
\n1d. On full-time, active duty in the military?
\n1e. On part-time duty in the military (e.g., National Guard, Reserves)?
\n1f. In a National and Community Service Program (e.g. AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, Youth Corps)?
\n1g. Volunteer in the Peace Corps?
\n1h. Other
\nOther Description
\nI have some questions about your schooling or training
\n2. In your major area of study or training, how much do you use the skills you learned in this program?
\n2a. Right now you don't use your training, but how much do you anticipate using it in the future?
\n3. Where are you going to school? (Note: if enrolled in more than one school, identify the primary one.)
\n3a. Please Specify...
\n4. What type of program are you in?
\n4a. Please Specify...
\nNow, I'd like to talk about your job as it relates to your program.
\n5. On your job, how much would you say you're using the skills you were taught? Would you say you use them a lot, some, hardly ever, not at all?
\n6. How strongly do you agree with the statement \"I am satisfied with my present job?\" Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
\n7. How many hours a week do you work?
\n7a. If not specific: Would you you say it's 35 hours a week or more?
\n8. Including tips and commissions, how much do you make per hour, per week, per month or year?
\n9. Are you currently looking for work?
\nJob Title (optional)
\nLocation (optional)
\nArea of Study (optional)
\nBest way to contact if follow up is needed?
\nAdditional Comments
\nPlease enter your survey PIN
\n\n Student ID\n {{student.uic}}\n
\n\n First Name\n {{student.firstName}}\n
\n\n Last Name\n {{student.lastName}}\n
\n\n Address\n {{student.address}}\n
\n\n City\n {{student.city}}\n
\n\n Zip Code\n {{student.zipCode}}\n
\n\n Alt Phone\n
\n\n Email\n
\n\n PSN\n
\n\n Program Name\n
\n\n Cip Code\n
\n\n District\n
\n\n Building\n